All SOGO brand products offer their customers a 3-year warranty, one more than what is established by Law 23/2003, of July 10, on Guarantees in the Sale of Consumer Goods. All our products comply with relevant European regulations, including RoHS.

We have a wide network of specialized Technical Services available to all our customers, throughout the national territory. But SOGO’s commitment to quality goes beyond the regulations set by law. All our products are subjected to an exhaustive quality control before and after having reached the final consumer.

We carry out quality controls in the production chain itself when the product is being manufactured, before the shipment of the merchandise and upon the arrival of the merchandise at our warehouses. Subsequently, all incidents are analyzed to determine their origin and proceed to their resolution and correction.

In SANYSAN APPLIANCES S.L we provide a service of SALE OF APPLIANCES WHOLESALE AND BY RETAIL CHAIN, maintaining customer satisfaction as a primary objective. Based on this, and within the framework of developing a Quality Policy based on ISO 9001:2015, we are committed to:

  • Establish quality objectives that lead to continuous improvement in the management of the Organization and a commitment to provide the necessary resources and disseminate the Policy and quality objectives to all members of the company.
  • Maintain an updated Quality Management System that guarantees the optimal provision of our services.
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations in our work and also in that of the business partners involved in our supply chain.
  • Offer an agile and flexible service that adapts to the needs of each situation, with the conviction that we must always be part of the solution and never the problem.
  • Enhance the vocation of collaboration based on the transversality of the processes, strategically integrating all the agents involved: internal and external collaborators, customers, suppliers, etc.
  • Loyalty our team from the commitment to work for the professional and personal well-being of each of our collaborators but as a cohesive and committed group and above the individualities and particular objectives.
  • Encourage a proactive attitude and dynamic actions preserving the safety and integrity of products.

For all this, SANYSAN APPLIANCES designates personnel responsible for the quality management system, involving the organization in the fulfillment of the quality commitments acquired.